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We provide manuals and resources related to CareSens Air.
CareSens Air Guides
Download guides to help you with the use of CareSens Air.
Version Effective Date
CareSens Air User Manual
(PCGAA-000054 REV0)
Jun 2024
Sens365 App User Manual
(PCGAA-000045 REV0)
Jun 2024
Sens365 Web User Manual
(PCGAA-000046 REV0)
Jun 2024

* All rights (including copyright, trademark rights, etc.) regarding all materials such as manuals and guides for CareSens Air products belong to i-SENS, Inc.
* Only after agreeing to the terms above may you use the manual and information.
* If you have any questions or need more information about anything not covered in the guide or manual, please contact the customer service center.
* Unauthorized reproduction or duplication of this manual in whole or in part is prohibited.