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Terms of Use of CareSens Air Website
Terms of UseTerms of Use of CareSens Air Website

Terms of Use of CareSens Air Website

Terms and Conditions Version Number : 1

Effective Date of Terms and Conditions: May 1, 2024

Table of contents

Article 1 (Purpose); Article 2 (Definition of Terms); Article 3 (Effect and Change of Terms and Conditions); Article 4 (Laws and Regulations Other than the Terms and Conditions); Article 5 (Obligations of Company); Article 6 (Obligations of Users); Article 7 (Notification to Users); Article 8 (Protection and Use of Personal and Sensitive Information); Article 9 (Restriction and Suspension of Use of Services); Article 10 (Use and Maintenance of the Site); Article 11 (Prohibited Acts); Article 12 (Compensation for Damages); Article13 (Relationship Between the Rules other than the Terms and Conditions of Article 13 andRelevant Laws and Regulations); Article 14 (Disclaimer); Article 15 (Rights and Responsibilities Regarding Posts); Article 16 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction.)


Article 1 (Purpose)

The purpose of these Terms and Conditions contained herein (“Terms and Conditions”) is to establish and implement the rights and obligations of the Company and users in using the CareSense Air website (www.caresensair.com) (hereinafter referred to as the "Site"), which is operated by I-SENS, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company"), for the mutual benefit of the Company and users.

Article 2 (Definition of Terms)

1. The terms used in these Terms and Conditions are defined as follows.

  • User: collectively refers to all who accesses the Site and uses the Site's services under these Terms and Conditions
  • Member: This means a person who has registered as a member by providing personal information to an I-SENS integrated member account, is continuously provided with information on the Site and can continue to use the services provided by the Company
  • Personal Information and Sensitive Information: It refers to "personal information" and "sensitive information" as defined under relevant laws of countries in which Site is accessed and used, such as the Personal Information Protection Act of the Republic of Korea.

2. The terms used in these Terms and Conditions but not specified in ① shall have meaning in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and information as set forth by the services specified within the Site, or by other general practices and commercial practices.

Article 3 (Effect and Changes of Terms and Conditions)

1. These Terms and Conditions apply to users of the Company's Site (www.caresensair.com).

2. The Company notifies users of the contents, trade name, personal information processing policy, etc. at the time of the first use of the service on the Site, and users using the Site are deemed to have agreed to these Terms and Conditions.

3. The Company reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions from time to time to the extent that they do not violate the relevant laws and regulations if there are reasonable grounds therefor such as user convenience, quality improvement of information, revision of related laws and other information management needs. In this case, the Company will notify on the Site that these Terms and Conditions will be revised seven (7) days prior to the date on which the Company intends to apply the amended Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as the "Effective Date"). However, if the revised Terms and Conditions are deemed unfavorable to the user, users will be individually notified thirty (30) days prior to the Effective Date.

4. These Terms and Conditions amended by this section are, in principle, effective from the Effective Date. The service may no longer be available to users who have objections to the amendment of these Terms and Conditions, and in this case, the service use contract may be terminated.

5. In accordance with the preceding paragraph, if user fails to notify rejection of the amended Terms and Condition within the period from the Company’s express announcement to amend the Terms and Conditions until the Effective Date, the user is deemed to have agreed to the amended Terms and Conditions.

Article 4 (Laws and Regulations Other than the Terms and Conditions )

Matters not included in these Terms and Conditions and the interpretation of these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by relevant laws, statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations, and other matters which have not been specified in the foregoing shall be governed by commercial practices.

Article 5 (Obligations of Company)

1. The Company shall maintain security of the user's personal information collected in accordance with the Company's personal information processing policy, collect and utilize the personal information only for purposes within the Site, such as improving and operating Site services, providing new information, and shall not collect and utilize them for any other purpose or transfer it to a third party. However, exceptions are made in cases where legal procedures under the provisions of the law require providing personal information, such as requests from related agencies for investigative purposes under relevant laws and regulations or requests from the competent authorities.

2. In the event the user's complaint arising from the use of the Site is received, the Company will handle the complaint as soon as reasonably practicable, and if it is difficult to do so, the Company will inform the user of the reason and the anticipated processing schedule.

3. In the event damage is suffered by the user due to the user’s use of the Site, the Company agrees to assume responsibility only if such damage is caused by reasons exclusively and directly attributable to the Company.

4. The Company complies with relevant laws such as the Personal Information Protection Act of the Republic of Korea, and laws related to the operation and maintenance of the Site, such as the Communication Secret Protection Act of the Republic of Korea and the Telecommunications Business Act.

Article 6 (Obligations of Users)

1. Users shall comply with the matters prescribed in these Terms and Conditions, relevant laws and regulations, information on use, announcements on the site, and not engage in any other act that interferes with the company's business

2. Users cannot engage in for-profit activities using Site services without prior consent from the Company.

3. Users shall not infringe on any intellectual property rights, proprietary rights, including without limitation copyrights, of anyone, and shall not engage in any acts that might damage the reputation of the Company or third parties or interfere with their operation.

Article 7 (Notification to Users)

1. The Company may notify the user using e-mail, text message (SMS/MMS), or other appropriate means of communication.

2. In the case of notification to a large number of unspecified users who cannot be notified under the preceding paragraph, the Company may substitute individual notification by posting it on the Site bulletin board for at least one (1) week. However, matters that have significant disadvantageous impact on the user or those that relate to the user's own transaction or use of service shall be notified through individual notice to the users.

Article 8 (Protection and Use of Personal and Sensitive Information)

The Company values the protection of users' personal and sensitive information, and strives to protect users' personal information as prescribed by relevant laws such as the Korea Personal Information Protection Act. Details on the processing of personal information subject to the Privacy Policy (https://caresensair.com/ko_KR/content/policy_4) are posted separately from these Terms and Conditions.

Article 9 (Restriction and Suspension of Use of Services)

If a user falls under one or more of the following paragraphs, the Company may suspend the user’s use of information on the Site for a fixed period without prior notice to the user.

  • Where services and information have been used for criminal conduct;
  • Where user interferes with the use of the Site by another user;
  • Any act of transmitting information that may deliberately interfere with the operation of the Company's Site, or that may interfere with the stable operation of the Site, or of transmitting advertising spam information against the recipient's explicit refusal to receive them;
  • Violation of other relevant laws and regulations or these Terms and Conditions;

Article 10 (Use and Maintenance of the Site)

1. The Site is accessible 24 hours a day under normal circumstances, except when it is not accessible for due to certain technical or operational issues. However, 24 hour accessibility shall not apply to scheduled maintenance on predetermined date and time under paragraph ③ below, or unforeseeable or unavoidable circumstances that cause the Site inaccessible.

2. The information fee on the Site is free.

3. If necessary, the Company may conduct maintenance, regular inspections, etc. of the Site.

4. The company will notify on the Site of any addition, modification, or deletion of important service content on the Site.

Article 11 (Prohibited Acts)

1. Inappropriate use of the system

  • Using the service or accessing the system in an abnormal or inappropriate way and not using the service as provided by the Company is prohibited.
  • If an inappropriate use of the system is confirmed by the Company, the Company reserves the right to take corrective measures such as suspension of some or all of the benefits provided to the user by the company, restricting the use of specific services, including terminating the use contract.

2. Other prohibited acts

The user shall not engage in any act that causes loss or damage to the Company or interferes with the creation of a fair market environment. If such conduct is confirmed, the Company reserves the right to cancel the transaction and, in some cases, impose sanctions such as suspension of the use contract.

Article 12 (Compensation for Damages)

If the user, without authorization, reproduces, discloses, or provides all or part of the services or their accompanying elements, uses them for purposes other than the use of the service prescribed in these Terms and Conditions, whether through printed materials, electronic storage media, etc., or violates the user's obligations prescribed in these Terms and Conditions, the Company reserves the right to claim damages from the user for any losses or damages incurred.

Article 13 (Relationship Between the Rules other than the Terms and Conditions of Article 13 and Relevant Laws and Regulations)

1. Matters not specified in these Terms and Conditions are subject to the provisions of relevant statutes and general commercial and business practices.

2. If necessary, the Company may determine the matters (hereinafter referred to as "Individual Terms and Conditions") applicable for specific services and notify them in advance through the Site or by other method of communication. If the contents of the Individual Terms and Conditions agreed by the user conflict with the contents of these Terms and Conditions, the Individual Terms and Conditions shall take precedence

3. Users shall monitor on a regular basis whether there are any changes in the contents of these Terms and Conditions or Individual Terms and Conditions, and shall maintain up to date status of such changes upon receipt of notice of such changes.

Article 14 (Disclaimer)

1. The Company shall not be liable for any losses or damages incurred to the user due to the following reasons:

  • Where services cannot be provided due to natural disasters or force majeure equivalent thereto;
  • In the event of a failure in the use of the Site is due to reasons attributable to the user
  • Any loss including loss of profit arising or expected to arise from the information or data obtained by the user through the Site.

2. The Company makes no guarantee, whether explicitly or implicitly, that there are no de facto or legal defects in the services provided by the Site (including defects, errors and bugs, infringement of rights, etc.) related to safety, reliability, accuracy, completeness, effectiveness, conformity to a particular purpose, security, etc. The Company has no obligation to remove such defects prior to providing this service to users

3. The content and information provided by the Company on the Site are general information and are provided for educational purposes only, and in no case replace medical diagnosis, treatment or treatment.

4. The health-related information provided by the Company on the Site or health care related information provided during the course of the services are to be used based solely on the user's personal judgment and decision, and the Company is not liable in any way for the use by the users .

5. The Company is not responsible for the outcome of use of any information provided by third party sites’ indirect information offering services that are obtained through business partnerships entered into between third party and the Company.

Article 15 (Rights and Responsibilities Regarding Posts)

1. The information and materials provided by the Company are either owned by the Company or Company has obtained the right of use, and are protected by relevant laws such as the Copyright Act and the Content Industry Promotion Act.

2. The user must obtain written consent from the Company prior to disclosing or citing any information received from the Company, even if the use is for non-profit purposes. User must cite the Company as the source of information when disclosing such information. The user is prohibited from reproducing, modifying, copying, transferring, distributing, publishing, exhibiting, selling, or using information for the purpose of providing services such as production, or use in any platform such as on the Internet and in databases without the Company’s express written permission.

3. Even if the user enters into a written agreement with the Company, the user is forbidden to disclose any information received from the Company to a third party that is not a contracting party to a separate agreement to receive such information, as such, the user shall be liable for any losses and damages suffered by the Company that arise from breach of the foregoing by the user.

■ Supplementary Provisions

Article 1 (Effective Date) These amended Terms and Conditions will take effect on May 1, 2024